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Omonova Makhfurat KeldiyarovnaHead of the department of Linguistics,
During 1993-1998 she taught English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Karshi State University.
Since 2005, she worked as a teacher at the Department of English Language and Literature of this university.
Through 2014-2017 she worked as an English teacher at the Department of English Language and Literature of Fergana State University.
During 2017-2018, she worked as an English teacher at Karshi State University.
Since 2018, she has been working as an English teacher at the Department of Linguistics.
From 2020 till these days she has been working as the Head of the Department of Linguistics, a senior lecturer.
In 1965, Karshi State Pedagogical Institute began accepting students for English and German philology courses in order to train qualified specialists in foreign languages. In 1967-1992, the Department of Foreign Languages (English and German) was established in order to provide them with high-quality and high-level education and to increase the capacity of teachers of foreign languages in the south of the republic. In 1967 Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Bakhodir Samadov was the Head of the English Department. In 1992, the Department of English Language and Literature was established and the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bobonazar Oralov, and in 1993-1995, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yoldosh Temirov. During 1995-2013, the Head of the department of English language and literature was appointed who was a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Qiyomov Rozi Elboboyevich. Later, this department was headed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor S. Egamberdiyev, candidate of philological sciences A. Alikulov, A. Nazarov, P. Kurbanov. Since 2018-2020 the Department of Linguistics was established, and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences M. Daniyeva was appointed as the Head of the department. Since 2020 and these days, senior teacher M.K. Omonova has been working as the head of this department.
Training personnel in the field of Educational areas (BA) 60230100 - Philology and teaching languages (English) and (MA) Specialty 70230101-Linguistics (English).
Introduction to literature
Theoretical grammar
Lexicology and Stylistics
History of the English language
English Literature
Methods and techniques of language teaching
Comparative typology
Theory and practice of translation
Modern English Literature
Reading and writing
Practice of oral speech
Practice of language aspects
Integrative language skills
Independent study skills
Integrated course of teaching foreign languages
Intercultural competence
Practical Grammar
Practical Phonetics
Academic handbooks "Improve your English through phrasal verbs", "Theoretical Phonetics" (M. Omonova), "Theoretical Grammar" (G.Turayeva), "English countrystudy" (G.Ergasheva), "Comparative typology" (R.Nekboyeva), "Lexicology" (N. Amirkulova) and monograph "XX asr ingliz adabiyоtida utopiya va antiutopiya mavzusi" (F.Atamurodova) were published.
The Head of the Department M. Omonova researches scientific study on the topic "Linguistic and cultural features of the polymodality of advertising discourse" as well as F. Atamurodova "Utopia and dystopia in English literature of the twentieth century" (DSc). The following senior teachers of the department work on their dissertation works as G. Turaeva on the topic "Lexico-semantic and derivational features of educational neologisms", G. Ergasheva on the topic "Prepositional combinations in the position of the predicate and their syntactic-semantic analysis", R. Nekboeva on the topic "Semantic features of proverbs with components of phytonyms in English and Uzbek languages", N. Amirkulova on the topic "Cognitive-semantic features of phrases in phraseological units", M. Nomozova on the topic "Linguistic features of English derivatives in the Uzbek language", Sh. Khalilova on the topic "Comparative study of the heroes of Uzbek and English fairy tales", N. Shakurova on the topic "Conceptual and cognitive research of the frame "Mother", G. Khidirova on the topic "Lexicographic features of the terminology of distance learning", S. Nomozova on the topic "Levels and principles of the development of Shakespeareanism in Uzbekistan", Eshkobilova F. on the topic "Comparatively -typological study of linguoculturological features of children's folklore in Uzbek and English".
Belgrad SU, MSLU, Embassy of the USA, UzWLU, UNU, SamSIFL, Bukhara SU, AndSIFL, Namangan SU, Feghana SU.